Top 20 questions about veganism

“BUT WHAT ABOUT . . ?” There is one downside to being vegan: non-vegans ask you the same questions over and over again. Here at Viva! we’ve compiled our own list of the Top 20 questions and comments that people make about veganism. If you’re thinking about becoming vegan, you may find the answer to something… Continue reading Top 20 questions about veganism

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How to go vegan

Would you love to eat more healthily but can’t quite find the time? The hectic modern lifestyle doesn’t have to lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. Did you know that cutting out meat, dairy and eggs could cut your chances of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer – and could even add years to your life expectancy?… Continue reading How to go vegan

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Why vegan is best!

Discover the benefits of a vegan diet! Health: In terms of nutrition, a well-balanced vegan diet contains all the protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals you need to be healthy. It is low in saturated fat and free from animal protein, cholesterol and hormones – all linked to disease. A vegan diet can provide all the nutrients… Continue reading Why vegan is best!

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What does vegan mean?

Vegans don’t eat, wear or use anything from animals — whether from land animals (meat, dairy, eggs, honey, shellac, leather, fur etc) or from water animals (fish, prawns, crab, lobster etc). Vegans also exclude, as far as is practicable, all forms of animal exploitation and cruelty. What do vegans eat? Vegans tend to have a… Continue reading What does vegan mean?

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